GENESIS® C201: CONSTRUCTION SCHOOL: Concrete Pools - Day 1 OF 3

Event Time

Originally Aired - Friday, November 10 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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Event Location

Location: W232

Event Information

Title: GENESIS® C201: CONSTRUCTION SCHOOL: Concrete Pools - Day 1 OF 3


HOURS/CEUS: 24 Hours (2.4 IACET CEUs)  (24 PHTA CEUs)  DBPR/CILB-FL #0612786  (24 hours)
Cost: $2,090 Early Bird Member  $2,590 Early Bird Non-Member  $2,190 Member  $2,690 Non-Member

This comprehensive concrete construction school is the only program that satisfies the education requirement to sit for the Certified Builder Professional (CBP) exam. Attendees spend four nights with a team of expert faculty, learning all of the necessary disciplines for building a structurally sound water vessel. Topics covered include site analysis, introductory fluid engineering, geotechnical and structural engineering that includes a review of difficult sites, shotcrete, waterproofing, tile, interior finishes, coping, and concrete decking. The course concludes with an interactive walkthrough of a complex project from start to finish. This program is designed to move each student through all phases of concrete pool construction in great detail, unlike anything else offered in the industry. Attendees have the opportunity to learn from top experts in their field, ask questions, and begin a relationship with the faculty that doesn't end when the class is over. GENESIS® courses deliver the highest quality education in the industry and are the only approved courses to satisfy the requirements for the Certified Pool Builder and Design Professional Pathway.

This is a required course to become a Certified Builder Professional.

GENESIS will be offering the CBP certification exam on-site on Monday, November 13. There are two time slots for students to choose:

9:00 am – 12:00 pm
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

If you wish to take the CBP exam at PSP/Deck Expo, you must complete and submit the certification application for approval and pay the application fee at least two weeks prior to the start of the event. Walk-up exam registration will be accepted, but subject to availability. We encourage you to book early to ensure a seat for testing.

CBP application

Type: Pre Con: GENESIS




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