GENESIS® D211: Elements of Design - Day 1 of 2

Event Time

Originally Aired - Saturday, November 11 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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Event Location

Location: W214

Event Information

Title: GENESIS® D211: Elements of Design - Day 1 of 2


HOURS/CEUS: 16 Hours (1.6 IACET CEUs) (16 PHTA CEUs
Cost: $1,690 Early Bird Member   $2,190 Early Bird Non-Member  $1,790 Member  $2,290 Non-Member

This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of good design and will teach you how to lay out the different improvements in your projects (e.g. pool, spa, patio, etc.). We will break the fundamentals down into two categories: the Elements of Design and the Principles of Design. Once you have a good grasp of the fundamentals, you will learn how to apply them. We will start with short practice exercises and build up to a final project: creating a master plan that includes a pool and spa.

This is a required course to become a Certified Expert Pool Builder & Design Professional.

Type: Pre Con: GENESIS




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