Rob Stewart

Rob Stewart

Rob has had many career variations over the years but none has provided as much enjoyment as the swimming pool industry. He installed his first in-ground liner over 30 yrs ago and has been active in the industry ever since. With a background as a licenced carpenter, Rob understood the importance of proper building and as such, spent time with local pool builders learning the fundamentals of installing both in-ground and above ground swimming pools. In 2013, Rob became a member of the Pool and Hot Tub Council of Canada and began taking every course available including hydraulics, regulations, proper building practices and the CPO certification course. The one course that had a major impact was water chemistry! Since that course, swimming pool water chemistry has become Rob’s passion and he has been able to work with some of the greatest pool chemists in the industry. His company is presently balancing 13 million litres of residential pool water every week! Rob takes great joy and pride in being able to pass forward the information he has gained over the years through teaching for PHTA.

PHTA Certified Service Technician® (CST®) Course - Day 1 of 3
Friday, November 10 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
PHTA Certified Service Technician® (CST®) Course - Day 2 of 3
Saturday, November 11 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
PHTA Certified Service Technician® (CST®) Course - Day 3 of 3
Sunday, November 12 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM